To write some accompanying to that posts, that shall highlight a dynamic that is really important to me, I sit here with seven books. Seven books so I can say something that you will believe , because it is said by people that wrote books but not me. By this action and approach I show utterly perfect the subtle stages of self-abandonment. I look outside to explain something that I can share from inside. By this I show many others but not ME nor MYSELF. I usually write on purpose the self separated by a blank from the my-, your-, our-, etc. Self to highlight that they are not the same.
In my very simple words Self-abandonment is to not care, not value, and reject the you to fit in or please others.
Why didn’t I say 'not care for yourself?' although it is part of the term Self-abandonment? Because this is less about yourself, but about YOU. As the African writer Jay Ghee wrote: 'Self is yourself without the self.' The Self itself is still disconnected from just being. It is the '' I" of "I love" instead of pure love, being present as an energy. It is like peeling the banana instead of eating the banana. The Banana is absolute, like our body is absolute. Absolute is, but it is not a concept.
A non ego-based you is present and can purely observe what is and how it is – Present not past or future. Your words, your thoughts, your emotional reaction, your body-sensation like the nervous-system, your muscletonus, facial expressions, maybe you feel a particular chakra different… All this will tell you where you really are.
If you are able to embrace from there a “It is, what it is”, that is a huge act of being you. Psychological pasts, struggles, crashes, and clashes, conclusions… they all nourish our brain, but some people say 'Things do not happen for a reason! They happen, then we look for a reason…' If that makes you angry, breathe, please, and allow another viewpoint to be part of this colorful multiverse. Self-abandonment is living from the shadow-being. One will not show up in a relation- or situationship but hide in a role and basically manipulate – often unconsciously – the interaction.
Many have learned this to be the best strategy for survival in our environment, but I see it as actually a sign of not feeling safe and loved for who we really are.
It is not knowing yet how to be me/you and show up in the social-net. It is smaller, older, and nature-based cultures that again lead us back the path with a light of ancestral wisdom. They are the ones knowing the great danger to us as spiritual beings.
Our talking becomes uninspired because we do not talk from our source. With time, the heart weakens, and the warrior, who embodies the courageous energy as a power that source is in our emotional energetical heart, is not available for our life any longer.
I know that in many healing sessions I guided and from my own life that self-abandonment shows in a weakness or overtensions in the energetical appearance. It almost always manifests in the voice. The voice is either missing the fierceness and strength of the belly or it misses tenderness. In every way, there is a fixed vibration that does not express the presence of the person being here with me in the session. Trust, listening to you, and body awareness are the three qualities that protect us from self-abandonment and lead to an abundance with our self through the high tides and low tides, through all changes and transformations and all REALationships.
Contact me when you are struggeling with
staying centered and strong within you.
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