After a serious riding accident I was slowly able to regain access to my horse, but there were always situations, especially when the horse did something it shouldn't or was frightened, in which I felt fear, and I went along with it strong pressure and strength tried to maintain or restore control, but at the same time felt great uncertainty. The coaching with Ms. Bukasa was a milestone in the relationship with my horse, in the understanding of my role as a “lead animal” and the implementation of this knowledge in concrete behavior. Ms. Bukasa specifically asked me the right questions, showed me leadership in a positive and negative sense by means of physical exercises, used breathing, relaxation and tension exercises and let me feel the effects of different energy inputs. The coaching opened my eyes, but also my heart, to my horse, which I was annoyed with. I have never been so holistically aware (made) of what leadership entails in this human-horse relationship, what (common) needs are behind fear and uncertainty, what my role is in particular in situations that are occupied or unsettling by the animal and how I am must behave in order to ensure a clear takeover or retention of leadership without escalation. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Bukasa once again for her great help!
Dr. Birgit B. / Psychologin, Österreich
When I came to Bilonda, I was in a deep crisis. I already had a lot of experience in therapies and yet I never got to the heart of the matter. Loving with Dignity and Female Empowerment Coaching with Soulutions were able to heal my love traumas. Through bodywork and energy cleansing, as well as coaching conversations, I have been able to develop a side of myself that was previously too weak and therefore always caused conflict. Bilonda's extensive knowledge, but especially her knowledge of yogic mythology and the fact that I was able to develop images in our sessions helped me to understand how to deal with blockages and serve as a resource for me: Since then, I am a different woman who has had healthy dates, can set healthy boundaries and communicate self effectively - and I am confident, as well as patient, that my life partner and I will find each other.
Laura N. / Fotografin, Deutschland
Dear Bilonda, thank you for your many suggestions, your patient and precise mediation, your acute, precise coaching and in general for you!!! Bilonda AURORA, You are INDEED A GENIUS!!!YOU are the best Coach I have ever experienced in my life!!!!! YOU gave me the missing links to understand my last questions and I think that will change my whole LIFE Now I can be up in the air as I travel high and far!!YOU brought to me the SOULUTION a safe place for the Alpine Swift, and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND SELF LOVE.Now I can land on the EARTH 🌍 I could DEFINITELY ADVISE YOU STRONGLY to EVERY BODY willing to LISTEN to you AND to HEAR!!!: YOUR SOULUTIONS and ADVICE and YOU YOURSELF couldn't be VALUED and WEIGHTED GOLD!!!!
Gerhard Leixl, / Maler und SängerÖsterreich
reflected on my separation and would like to say "thank you" again because you accompanied me and the Just Trust Mantra and especially the Animal Wisdom meditations every week helped me a lot. I learned so much through them: Above all, to give myself time, to be patient and to trust myself and to be kind to myself. I am now happy and grateful to be here and that I am me. This would not be the case without meditations. Thank you so much.
Johanna Beemelmann, Studentin und Eventmanagerin, Frankfurt
It was only through the body awareness training with Bilonda that I understood how to develop a permanent awareness of my posture. Since then, I have corrected my posture several times a day, which has had a positive effect on my arthritis.
Dr. U. Wenninger, Österreich
Synchronicity was involved in our initial meeting and it presented itself again when I explained the challenges I faced with the pain and tension in my body. Being failed by the people charged with my care often I’m hesitant letting people in to guide and treat me but Bilonda intuitively moved my body. She helped me stretch and massaged me on parts of my body that were holding on to stress and pain without me even telling her. It’s an indication of a great spiritual intuition. Body and mind are clearly connected and Bilonda understands this and I trust her with caring. Thank you 🙏🏼🥰
Tim B. Musiker, Amsterdam/London
Bilonda arbeitet anders als die meisten die ich bisher kennengelernt habe. Sie fragt intuitiv, fühlt sich ein, was Sie vermittelt ist weise und kreativ. So schafft sie es auch in ihrem klienten Selbstheilungskräftd zu aktivieren. Nach unseren Sessions fühlte ich mich nie aufgefordert dass erarbeitete umzusetzen- ich war inspiriert und konnte daher mit Freude an Veränderung und persönlichem Wachstum durch die verschiedensten Erfahrungen tauchen. Sie arbeitet mit einem grossen Wissens- und Erfahrungsschatz, gepaart mit einer spirituellen Gabe… Ich bin dankbar für unsere Arbeit. Sie hat mich hingeführt zu meinem Selbst, und einen Prozess in Gang gebracht. Die Mittel erspührt Sie- mal malen wir zusammen, mal tanzen wir, mal sprechen wir, mal arbeiten wir strikt und kognitiv, mal gleicht die Arbeit einer Phantasiereise. Sie als Coach zu bezeichnen oder als Psychologin würde nur einen Bruchteil ihres Könnens beschreiben. Sie ist eine Künstlerin. Danke.
Alena N., Frankfurt
Being able to do yoga in a space with a view of the sea was amazing. Bilonda instantly understood what I needed and taught me the appropriate yoga poses. Mastering the breathing techniques was quite challenging, but thanks to her excellent guidance, I was able to master them and can now incorporate them into my daily yoga. It was the best lesson ever. I highly recommend a yoga session with Bilonda.
Yuko K., London, VIP- Hyatt Group
The stars aligned and I had the opportunity to meet Bilonda. We began doing breathwork together. I had only scheduled one session, but immediately after I scheduled another for the following day as our connection was so strong. The moment you meet her you feel her genuine spirit that truly wants to love you and guide you and assist you on your wellness journey! She helped me with some stretches as well and immediately after leaving her I felt so much lighter, as if she filled my cup! I wish I was on the country longer, to be guided by, and chat with her and sit in silence with her. Your presence is indescribable. So special.
Lindsay W., Los Angeles
When I arrived the atmosphere felt right. There was a relaxed vibe and the music that she played fitted perfectly by what my body needed. We did different kinds of breathwork and I realized how important it is to learn and feels how to breath in your own body. Also she learned me where I keep all my tensions in my body and how I can breath and let loose. She knows exactly what she is doing and reads your body perfectly and then adjust the session to what your body needs. I'm very thankful for the insights she gaved me.
Gwenda Harmsen, Netherlands
A month-long stay with Bilonda helped me to reestablish a healthy daily routine.
Based on Bilonda’s personalized body-reading, daily walks in the calming nature of the Algarve, ocean visits, yoga and muscle strengthening exercises, dance-informed somatic release sessions and spiritual empowerment through energy work and deep talk helped me to relax back into myself. I could release new layers of grief and pain my body was holding. As a result my sleeplessness, gut issues, joint pain, and problems with concentration massively improved from day to day. By the end of my stay I could sleep through the night, was painfree and my spirit refreshed. It’s incredible what a 4-week mentoring with Bilonda can do for you. Just open yourself to it and commit to your healing process. The result is life-changing!
Nicole Sabella, Professor for Genderstudies and Artist
During a difficult moment in my life with separation and other exhausting factors, I found a warm refuge in the Portuguese spring with Bilonda. Her calm, empathetic, warm manner and the fragrant orange trees in the area quickly helped to calm my nervous system. Bilonda is very good at listening and giving clear, helpful feedback for self-reflection. These long conversations, space and time to cry and laugh, making music together and daily walks soon gave me the inner strength to go back to my everyday life. It was a time there where small seeds of healing were planted that I still benefit from.
Natalie Riedelsheimer, Berlin
"...Bilonda's Fähigkeiten mit so tiefem Einfühlungsvermögen und der klaren Sensibilität, das tut so gut, nicht nur uns Menschen, sondern allem was in dieser Zeit entsteht...." Ich habe seitdem ich 20 Kilo Übergewicht abgenommen.
Walther S. / Pensionist und Künstler, Deutschland
Egal wieviel Erfahrung man mit Menschen hat. Es kommt immer wieder jemand, der einen sprachlos macht und etwas in einem rettet. Danke
Mathias K./ Unternehmer, Deutschland
I felt very safe with Bilonda which I think is a necessary foundation in any therapeutic relationship. She also had an intuitive understanding of what I needed and the strength and love to provide it. Our time together was real and my life is better as a result.
John B., Coach, /Author, UK
Yoga mit Bilonda ist Entspannung pur! Ich kann mich voll und ganz auf mich und meinen Körper konzentrieren und während Yoga oder der Meditation zu mir finden. Ihre unglaubliche Ausstrahlung erfüllt mich jedes Mal mit Leichtigkeit und ich kann mich richtig fallen lassen, während der Praxis. Sie ist ein unglaublich inspirierender und interessanter Mensch und sie kennenzulernen ist auf viele Weisen bereichernd!