Improvised dance in public space. Guided by the physical desire to experience and incorporate certain spaces energetically through dance, the video was created in 2012. We performed in public space without prior coordination with the Art Nouveau indoor swimming pool in Berlin, Neukölln. Prohibitions for the body also spoil this experience. This film was shot and danced with spontaneity and courage. On the other hand, the space was chosen through a search for places for certain themes, such as places of power. Diving into 2:7 shows more of a being than a dancer. There is a distance to the other people, who walk through the picture as if in a parallel world. Feeling different feels that way. The water represents inner sadness. No way seems to lead to salvation, only the way through. The only way out, is the way through. Dive deep, even though everything is dark blue and only faintly outlined.
The transgenerational trauma has manifested itself in sadness. Many years later, through historical reconstruction of the paternal line, the traces lead to the Congo (DRC). In the 1950s, the family belonged to the Evoluée. Congolese who are allowed to attend secondary school. But a lot of appearances about their privileges conceal the suffering of the paternal line in particular. From the Congo (DRC) come through the genes, feelings of sadness about oppression and violence against black people.
The material is edited despite the poor recordings and through the level of the photo and bi-chrome color change, a further level is woven in, in addition to the space-time distance with other people. As the spiritual presence, it represents the pure underlying consciousness that takes snapshots. The silent observer or observers are silent, but noticeable. << back