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Education and influences

"Coaching, therapy and healing methods and means

are always only aids to restore holistic health."

I see it as my task to be a support for those who want to heal themselves spiritually or want to promote their health through yoga, pranayama and a healthy mind


2018 - 2023

University of Hagen

2008 - 2011

University of Vienna

Study of cultural studies with a focus on history, minor in philosophy

BA Female empowerment and authorization through visions and writing. Using the example of Christine de Pizan and Teresa of Avila

Research focus: Generational trauma of National Socialism, female mystics in Europe

Psychology (rer. nat.) , basic studies Vienna

Research focus: cultural psychology.

Own specialization: Somatic depth psychology, humanistic psychology

2011- 2014

Die Etage, Berlin

Contemporary stage dance

Classical and contemporary dance styles: including floorwork, fly low, bodywork, yoga for dancers, pantomime.

Conclusion of theory work: Breathing in various body techniques, especially yoga and Pilates.

Final practical training in choreography and dance: It's really up to you, 30 min

2013 - bis heute

Coaching training

Body techniques

Spiritual teachings

Fort - und Weiterbildungen

  • Meditation und Achtsamkeitstraining

  • Atemschule

  • Stressreduktion bei Angstzuständen

  • Innere Erdung

  • Advanced Creative Mind Coaching von Psychologen Stephen Gilligan PhD

  • Generatives Coaching nach Stephen Gilligan PhD und Robert Dilts

  • Systemisches Embodiment Coaching TriPco / Tri-Power Coaching nach dem Oxforder Coaching Modell®.

  • Somatische Methoden: Body Focusing, Atemübungen, passive Körperarbeit, Bewegung & Tanz, Yoga

  • Entspannungsverfahren: Progressive Muskelentspannung, Körperreise, Yoga Nidra, MBSR, Hypnotherapeutischer Ansatz

  • Vibrationale Methoden: Klangschalen, Heiltöne, Gesang, Chanting

  • Arbeit mit dem inneren Team, F. Schulz v. Thun

  • Gewaltfreie Kommunikation, Marshall Rosenberg

  • Selfhealing Trance with Imagination, Dr. Gary Bruno Schmid

  • Mentors: Eva Wieprecht/ Virginia Satir Institute GermanyKathleen Dameron/ Womanist Journey and Transform white racism, Bernhard Wirth/ Mystik und Seele​



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